From the start, you feel this bj is absurd and then you find that every episode is absurd and exaggerating, but damn true. it's amazing how each line makes sense and reflects everyone. Meant to watch this right before I moved to Toronto. It's been 3.5 years and I kept asking myself... how are things? Have you made today greater than yesterday?
很高兴能有人把考古这件浪漫的事拍得如其本身般浪漫宇航员的浪漫是乘坐宇宙飞船去往星辰大海考古学者的浪漫是用铲子和毛刷去往穿越时空过往最感动的瞬间还是小朋友站在船头高呼We're sailing into the cosmos. 这一瞬间人类文明最浪漫的两件事合而为一了考古不只是发现过去更关乎我们如何认识自己认识现在认识未来中国也有很多精彩的考古故事如果有人想讲述这些故事ABILITY希望他们能明白他们不是要讲述奇闻而是要构筑奇观7