FUCK THIS SHOWI'M NOT PREPARED FOR THIS哭爆肝夕阳西下英雄迟暮Philinda我的爱我会想念你们的一定要续订啊啊啊啊啊Philinda deserve better than this. #CoulsonLives#
I am a sinner, I seek for liberation. 21/6/5没抢到上海国际电影节的票自己在家重刷看第二遍看到了更多东西比如对投降一个视为耻辱一个视为光荣;对自杀一个认为懦弱一个认为荣耀;一个高度自律、讲究礼仪一个吃花唱歌贴脸吻最后只得一缕头发那是我向往的自由/北野武结尾部分很棒从暴戾地对待战俘到圣诞快乐的礼物再到最后平和地接受死亡他那样憨厚地笑着abp-921 永再次说出“劳伦斯先生圣诞快乐”的时候便与战争和解了
House was an ass.He mocked anyone,patients,co-workes,his dwinding friends,anyone who didn't measure up to his insane ideals of integrity.He claimed to be on some heroic quest foe truth,but the truth is,he was And he proved that by dying selfshly without a thought of anyone else.