不错还收了几首没听过的好歌只有黄渤出现的那几段比较好笑表演自然其它五个真的是……没演技不是很像现场唱的发现五月天歌曲的歌词都写得不错很有意义的那种韩国女星潜规则视频全集不是单纯在歌颂爱情也省去了很多很多的感言感谢这感谢那的why do we care? 我们来演唱会听歌的韩国女星潜规则视频全集不是听你感谢谁的
1 of the best science documentary I’ve seen. There’s something endearing abt the particular American cheesiness of this hardcore phy edu flick. explain a complex concept in simple terms is the ultimate test & I believe this documentary can be understood by middle-schoolers, which is amazing. How I wish something similar were made every 10 yrs