…最后一集实在太可怕了………这和理直气壮地摆烂有什么区别到头来厌女问题、珍妮弗自己吐槽的适应双重身份的问题等等只有散装段子实际上她一个都没有面对编剧不仅不会写法庭戏(编剧自己也承认了)也写不出这些问题所带来的后续影响过分随意了喜剧类型可不是借口这部剧观感很像早年DC那部被砍的《战火家园》粗糙、混乱既不够喜剧又不够职场(律政)更没有有趣的角色Attorney at Law 这个副标题加得就还蛮尴尬的早年在公共台可能没几集就会被砍掉了…可惜了塔提阿娜、蒂姆罗斯这些演员(所以泰坦尼亚整部剧干嘛来了)
"The Night Logan Wakes Up" is an adaptation of the popular stage play, "La nuit ou Laurier Gaudreault s'est reveille" from playwright Michel Marc Bouchard. The series, which mixes horror, humour and drama, takes place in the prcr.org early 1990s and follows Mimi and her brother Jules, who are best friends with Logan.